Olympics Museum - Olympics
Lausanne, Switzerland is the headquarters for the Olympic committee. The museum is outstanding and is at least a 3 hr. visit. If you are ever out here, do make it a point to see this one.
VIEW from the bottom of the hill where the Olympic Museum was |
Going farther up the hill to the museum. It is quite a climb and escalators are available. Even with them, if you are out of shape, you will feel it. |
The museum did not allow photos...but it was a wonderful visit to the home of the Olympic committee. They had everything from photos, videos, the actual clothing and equipment used. Most impressive was the bobsled. It is so much larger than i imagined it. Displayed also were the medallions and a lot of art. One painting by Leroy Neiman graced an entire wall. Worth the visit. It is being renovated for the next 2 yrs. and will be close in Oct. |
http://www.olympic.org/museum good link to see Olympics stuff
The top of the Musée d`Elysées - the photography museum. |
At the photography museum. The exhibit was from New York and done by a photojournalist who photographed journalists right before going on tv after the 9/11 disaster. The photos were compelling. There were no photos of the buildings, nor of people other than the announcers. The photographer captured their angst and unexpressed emotions. Amazing exhibit.
Another exhibit was about color in photography by another New York photographer from the 40`s and 50`s. It was interesting to see how photography followed the `-isms`at that time in art trends. I could see abstract expressionism, cubism, shapes and colors as subject - enjoyed this exhibit more than the 9/11 one.
Musée d`Elysées -photography
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